
Play Guide For The Shaman In For Honor

For Honor provides players with a number of different heroes to play based on warriors and combatants from historical factions. The game still continues to add new combatants to the mix even now with For Honor currently in its fifth year of service. One of the heroes that were added post-launch was the Shaman of the Vikings faction.

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The Shaman is described as being both insane and bloodthirsty, which makes her all the more deadly on the battlefield. This makes her all the more unpredictable which helps play into mastering the character to become the best Shaman in For Honor.

Knowing For Honor’s Shaman

The Shaman is a hybrid character in the game that is ranked with medium difficulty to master. She strikes fast and hard with short-ranged attacks, which is a deadly combination. Add into the fact that she is capable of inflicting bleed damage with certain moves.

This makes the Shaman all the more deadly as this enables the Blood Trance effect that is exclusive to her. This enables her to regain some health on damaging strikes, provided that person is already suffering from bleed damage.

Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Shaman

The Shaman is at her best when she is up close and personal with her opponent like the Lawbringer. She is also a fast hero too and has the speed of an assassin classed hero, without the disappearing guard of that class, so she can easily block and parry opponents without having to switch guard positions.

Unfortunately, since the Shaman excels at short-ranged combat, she is not suited for longer ranged attacks. This means that heroes that can keep an opponent at bay away from them, such as the Nobushi, can make short work of them. Focusing too much on trying to get in close will result in a quick death for you.

The Feats Of The Shaman

The Shaman’s feats primarily focus on her speed, hiding from enemies, and boosts to regaining health. As with all feats in the game, a hero starts out with certain feats and has to unlock them either by leveling the character up or buying all of them for 4,000 steel. Feats are earned by gaining renown in a game and are split into four tiers.

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Tier 1

  • Rush – activate to get increased speed for a brief period. Unlocked by default.
  • Stealth – hide from the radar, HUD and aim assist. Unlocked at level five.
  • Stun Trap – place a trap that stuns enemies when triggered. Unlocked at level 13.

Tier 2

  • Bear Trap – place a trap that stops enemies and deals medium damage. Unlocked by default.
  • Executioner’s Respite – healing from executions is increased by 50 percent. Unlocked at level 15.
  • Flesh Wound – grants moderate damage reduction. Unlocked at level seven.

Tier 3

  • Fury – activate to temporarily raise your attack, defense, and speed. Unlocked by default.
  • Second Wind – activate to recover some health. Unlocked at level nine.
  • Hand Axe – throw an axe to deal medium bleed damage. Unlocked at level 17.

Tier 4

  • Fire Flask – throw a fire flask to spread fire over an area. Unlocked by default.
  • Nail Bomb – place a trap that deals bleed damage over an area when sprung. Unlocked at level 11.
  • Scout – all enemy positions are revealed to you and your teammates. Unlocked at level 19.

Becoming The Best Shaman

In order to become the best Shaman, you absolutely have to take advantage of her bleed attacks. Inflicting bleed damage enables her to become most effective as it not only gradually damages an opponent, but landing attacks also gives the Shaman some of her health back, as previously stated.

On top of this, she is also capable of pinning her opponent to the ground with the Predator’s Hunger/Mercy move. Move forward or back then press the dodge button and hold and release the guard break button to perform the move. Predator’s Hunger is the name of the move when dealt on a non-bleeding target whereas Predator’s Mercy is the name when done on a bleeding target. The main difference is that on top of dealing 35 damage, Predator’s Mercy will give the Shaman some health and fully restore her stamina.

Since speed is the Shaman’s best friend, the best way to deal damage quickly is to dodge to the side and strike your opponent. This will create an opening to pull of some combos and cause the opponent to bleed. Plus it will also enable the Shaman to get in close with a target which is where she is at her best. Doing this will ensure you have enough health to be the last one on the battlefield.

Next: For Honor: Complete Beginner’s Guide

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