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Pokemon GO – Best Mega Pidgeot Counters (August 2021)

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Trainers are currently facing off against Mega Beedrill if they visit Mega Raids, but there are other bosses on the way to Pokemon GO later this week. Before long, Mega Pidgeot will be back in the spotlight with the upcoming rotation on August 26. The upcoming Mega Raid boss arrives in just a few days, which means it is time for players to start preparing their counter rosters and getting ready for the next big fight.

Mega Pidgeot Battle Raids are scheduled to arrive this Thursday, August 26. That gives Pokemon GO players plenty of time to study up and prepare the perfect counter roster and do whatever is necessary to power up their perfect team and possibly burn some TMs to give each Pokemon the perfect move set for the Mega Raid showdown.

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Although Mega Pidgeot may not sound as intimidating as some of the other recent Mega bosses like Mega Charizard or Mega Blastoise, it is still a Mega Raid, which means it will not be a walk through the park. Endgame trainers could likely duo this particular boss without a major challenge, but the average players should plan to head in with the usual 4-6 friends to ensure an easy victory.

Mega Pidgeot is going to be weak to Rock and Electric-type Pokemon. Luckily that means there are tons of popular counter options who have been useful in other recent Battle Raids. Hopefully this means the average Battle Raid players doesn't need to blow through a lot of new resources to get a strong roster ready for this particular fight. Be sure to avoid Grass-, Bug-, and Fighting-types, since they are all weak to Pidgeot's Normal/Flying pairing.

Best Mega Pidgeot Counters

As always with Mega Raids, it’s important to keep in mind that Mega Pidgeot is not catchable at the end of this Battle Raid. Mega Pokemon have to be (temporarily) evolved by using the correct resources. Instead, completing Mega Raids is currently the primary way to earn Mega Energy and unlock the ability to Mega Evolve Pokemon.

After successfully defeating the Mega Raid boss, players will earn an encounter with a regular Pidgeot, which obviously isn't very exciting, but the resource rewards are what players are really after as they complete these Mega Raids, so that is where the real payoff is going to be. Check back for more Pokemon GO updates closer to the event. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO Complete Guide for General Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

Source: Pokemon GO Hub

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