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Pokemon Unite: Player Finds What Moves Can Do Criticals

Ever wondered why you're randomly landing crits with some moves, but absolutely none with others? In the absence of an official guide, one Pokemon Unite player has cracked the code, compiling a spreadsheet of all the moves, and listing whether or not they are capable of landing crits.

According to the player's findings, Wigglytuff, Crustle, and Absol are the crit kings, with most of their moves able to land more damage. Absol leads the pack by far, with every single one of its moves able to get critical hits.

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Aside from those three, there aren't many critical hit-capable Pokemon to be had, which is pretty surprising given how frequent they are in the main series games. Garchomp has two moves that can get criticals: Dragon Rush and Dragon Claw. The only others are Cinderace and Machamp, who can get crits with Blaze Kick and Cross Chop respectively.

This means that, out of the 22 currently available Pokemon (more are coming soon), only 6 are capable of any critical hits, leaving 16 without.

After several sleepless hours, i've tested and compiled a list of which moves are capable of crits. from

These findings come courtesy of Reddit user Clouds2589, who posted the spreadsheet to r/PokemonUnite. In the replies, they shared the methodology used to produce the results, as well as another finding:

"Tested using nothing but a Scope lens for 3 minutes per move on each Pokemon. Also should point out that all Pokemon's basic attacks are capable of critting, boosted or no.

I learned some interesting things along the way. Like the fact that Gardevoir's moonblast damage is tied to the stun, so if your stun doesn't apply for whatever reason your Moonblast will do 0 damage.

Hopefully this helps people. It was something I was itching to know but just wasnt ready to put in the time to play out 40+ practice matches to test it lol"

There you have it, folks – Wigglytuff has more crit opportunities than Cinderace. Whereas Talonflame and Gengar somehow have none, outside of their basic attack. Who would have guessed?

Next: Weekly News Recap August 13 – 20: Sledgehammer Games, Twitch Bans, And Pokemon Unite

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