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Psychonauts 2: All Nuggets of Wisdom, Memory Vaults, and Half-A-Minds in PSI King’s Sensorium

Psychonauts 2 Psi King Sensorium (11)

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Psychonauts 2 players will get to venture to a ton of new worlds once they're allowed outside The Motherlobe, with Raz able to cook extravagant dishes with Compton Boole, hang out with his circus-obsessed family in The Questionable Area, and venture through the germ-infested metropolis of Strike City. However, one of his most unique adventures comes when he ventures into the troubled mind of the PSI King.

The zany Psychonauts character brings Raz to a psychedelic world filled with music, colorful characters, and, of course, plenty of new collectibles to seek out. In terms of the latter, players can look forward to finding three additional Nuggets of Wisdom, two Memory Vaults, and four Half-A-Minds, with the nine collectibles spread across the PSI King's trippy plain.

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It's worth noting that players won't be able to access every collectible until they've returned with a power acquired much later in the game, so those making their way through the PSI King's Sensorium for the first time shouldn't worry too much about chasing a 100% rating. Regardless, here's how to find every single collectible hidden throughout the PSI King's mind.

Nuggets of Wisdom

As mentioned prior, there are three Nuggets of Wisdom to be found throughout the PSI King's world, and in fitting with the level's theme, they're designed to look like microphones. As always, they're gold and will emit a faint sound when players approach them.

The first Nugget of Wisdom players will come across can be found in the Eye Shrine. Players should follow the level's main path until they use a trampoline to reach its first set of pink vines. Climb the vines to reach the top of a stack of boxes and look to the left. There will be two spinning platforms that can be slowed to reach a Nugget of Wisdom.

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The second Nugget of Wisdom is located in the Ear Hand Shrine. After Raz climbs to the top of the Woods area and meets Audi and Mr. Touch, he'll be sucked into the former's ear and enter a brand new area. Once players have finished the cutscene, head forward and climb the rocks ahead until a giant fan can be seen on the right.

Head towards the fan and then turn around. Players should see a spotlight on the ledge in front of them. Jump over to it and point it towards the rainbow bridge found below. It'll make a path to the second Nugget of Wisdom.

The final Nugget of Wisdom crops up in the Nose Mouth Shrine. After the first Time Bubble tongue section, players will use two trampolines to access a tower. If they turn around, they'll see a third trampoline that leads to the Nugget of Wisdom. To get the trinket, players will need to jump on the trampoline and use Time Bubble on one of the tongues below to create a platform. The slow effect won't last long, so players may need a few attempts to nail the timing.


The four Half-A-Minds in the PSI King's Sensorium are some of the most well-hidden in the game thus far. As per usual, Raz will get a health upgrade once he partners two brains together, so they're definitely worth seeking out.

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The first Half-A-Mind can be found in the level's very first area. After speaking with Vision Quest and the PSI King, players should turn around and head out the back of the stage. Underneath the ramp on the left-hand side is a secret passage. Follow it until you enter a small room with a flammable poster on the left. Burn the poster using the pyrokinesis ability, jump through the hole, and follow the path to find a Half-A-Mind.

The second Half-A-Mind crops up during the Eye Shrine section. Players can find it by locating the giant fan on the left after crossing the second rainbow bridge. Instead of climbing up to the nearby walkway and using Time Bubble to jump through the upper half of the fan, go underneath the path and use it to pass through the bottom half. There will be a Half-A-Mind waiting within.

Half-A-Mind number three is found in the Woods area. After players have worked their way up to Audi and Dr. Touch, they can head to the left of the pair to find a Half-A-Mind on the opposite side of the waterfall. Wait until one of the logs floats down the waterfall and then slow it using Time Bubble. Hop across the log and onto the rock ahead to claim the brain.

The final Half-A-Mind crops up in the Nose Mouth Shrine. Players will need to make their way to the end of the level and, just as they're about to grab Tasty and Smell's instruments, head to the left and down the nearby platforms. A spotlight can be found next to a large fan. Use the spotlight to create a rainbow bridge connecting the tower Raz used earlier in the mission to a new tower off in the distance.

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Players can then slow the fan to their left, use it to hop over to the rainbow bridge, and cross to the new tower which contains a Half-A-Mind. They don't have to worry about losing their progress, as the new tower has railings Raz can grind to return to Tasty and Smelly's instruments.

Memory Vaults

Unfortunately, players won't be able to get much new Memory Vault story content on their first run-through of the PSI King's Sensorium as all of the mission's anthropomorphic vaults require the Projection ability to acquire. The ability isn't available at this stage of the campaign, so players will have to push on with the story and return via the Collective Unconscious later to nab them.

Once they do have the power, the first vault can be found in the Eye Shrine. After crossing the second rainbow bridge and leaping through the fan that contained the second Half-A-Mind, players can follow the path to find a set of wooden bars and a lever inside. Contained within the prison is the first Memory Vault.

The second one can be discovered in the Concessions area. When entering the location, head down instead of jumping on the tightrope that leads to the next area of the map. Walk to the end of the path and players will find a similar cell containing the second Memory Vault.

Use projection to pull the lever and every Memory Vault in the level will be accounted for. Now players have all the Nuggets of Wisdom, Half-A-Minds, and Memory Vaults, they can dive back into Raz's adventure to defeat the evil Maligula or attempt to 100% PSI King's Sensorium by grabbing all its Emotional Baggage.

Psychonauts 2 is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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