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Psychonauts 2 Video Review – A Mind Trippin’ Masterpiece

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Psychonauts 2 Video Review

The first Psychonauts game suffered from what seems to be a curse surrounding many Double Fine games; really great and creative but do not sell well enough or get the acclaim they deserve. After years of a hardcore base of fans crying out for a follow-up, Double Fine has released Psychonauts 2, and here is our review.

2005’s Psychonauts was charming, interesting, and thoughtful but was limited by the technology of its time. Sixteen years later, the power of current consoles and computers allows Psychonauts 2 to achieve the polish and scope that the series has strived for all this time. When approaching a subject matter of the human mind and mental health, it is easy to be critical and judgmental about what you may see, but Psychonauts 2 treats the topic with compassion and understanding. That’s not to say that it is a super-serious game. It is steeped in humor and clever jokes without making fun of the subject matter.

Not only does Psychonauts 2 offer a unique perspective on mental health and the human psyche, but the gameplay and creative puzzles and platforming. While the combat and platforming are not entirely perfect, it is still a competent action/platformer in its own right and the art direction and personality more than make up for its shortcomings. Psychonauts 2 is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, and don’t forget to check out our full written review here.

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