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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart’s Story Means Going Commando’s Angela Isn’t A Lombax Anymore

Angela Cross Ratchet Clank

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart has brought the controversy over Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando’s Angela to the surface again. This all stems from the fact she looks suspiciously like a lombax – how exactly does that work when the PS3 era ushered in this notion of Ratchet being the last of his species? A Crack in Time had cut dialogue indicating Angela was indeed a lombax, with her being referenced on the radio with a tidbit about how females of Ratchet’s species don’t have tails (just as Angela does not), explaining the discrepancies, but Rift Apart puts forward new ideas that mean she’s a different species… again. We’re back here, huh?

On the final planet, a prison, when grabbing a CraiggerBear – those new hidden collectibles – Rivet says “Last time I broke out of this place, I was with Angela. I haven’t seen her in a long time.” We know then that Going Commando’s antagonist turned ally exists within this parallel universe, but we also know that Rivet too makes plenty of references to being the last of her species. That either indicates Angela is dead or that she isn’t a lombax, but that’s not enough to go on for a whole article dissecting a nearly decade-long mystery that Insomniac loves to tease ambiguously while never bringing the character back.

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Anyway, sour sentiments over my favorite not blessing our screens again in next-gen aside, there’s further evidence to her not being a lombax. When you visit Savali, you find a slew of lombax shrines dotted about with voice files that you can collect and playback. These bring forth interesting insights into the charting of the multiverse to find a new home in order to escape Percival Tachyon, with references to other games like Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, and Knack, but we also get to hear Ratchet make plenty of references to his people, to his culture, given that he’s basking in their lore as he explores this unknown plain.

For context, in Going Commando, you’re hired by Qwark masquerading as Fizzwidget, the CEO of an intergalactic conglomerate selling weapons and other devices. He sends you to ‘rescue’ the protopet from the clutches of a thief. That thief is eventually unmasked around the time that Fizzwidget betrays you, revealing the thief to be Angela. It was the first time we saw a lombax outside of Ratchet, predating the whole last-of-the-species arc, but that seems to have been altered retroactively.

There are numerous occasions where Ratchet declares that he is the last of his people, a sentiment that, on its own, doesn’t seem like much. However, factoring in that he has met Angela on numerous occasions, with her going as far as to have a very brief, unvoiced cameo in Up Your Arsenal, it indicates that he knows she isn’t a lombax. With that, we can safely assume that, once more, Insomniac doesn’t consider this lovable fuzzball one of Ratchet’s species… again. Oh well, we’re back to 2009 discussions and it’s making me oddly nostalgic, so I can’t stay mad.

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