Hermen Hulst The Last of Us 2 PS5 Update ගැන ඉඟි කරන්න ඇති

2 weeks ago, PlayStation Developers were asked about their game of the year. Many people seem to have ignored the fact that Hermen Hulst said, “In fact, you cannot expect me to choose just one game here. So I am not going to. Btw, I am also very impressed with the work that Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog did to make both titles run so well on PS5.” The Ghost of Tsushima update is already out, so I get the Sucker Punch thing, but the Naughty Dog part has kind of confused me. Either the update is ready, and Naughty Dog is just waiting for the right moment to release it, or Hermen Hulst just said that by mistake. Hopefully, The Last of Us 2 receives the same treatment Days Gone, or Ghost of Tsushima received on PS5.

Source:PS Blog

This isn’t the only time there have been hints at The Last of Us 2 PS5 update.

The Best Buy page for The Last of Us 2 was updated previously. It says “Includes Next-Gen Upgrade,” which could mean that we might be getting a free Next-Gen Upgrade for The Last of Us 2. As you can see in the image below, just above the cover, it says, “Includes Next-Gen Upgrade.”

මූලාශ්රය: ගේම්ස්රාඩාර්

You can most likely expect Naughty Dog to release the update this year. Hopefully, it is a free one, and We have also reached out to Sony for comments on this situation. We will update the story when they have replied.

ඔයා සිතන්නේ කුමක් ද? කරුණාකර පහත අදහස් දැක්වීමේදී අපට දන්වන්න.

මුල් ලිපිය

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ඔබේ ඊ-මේල් ලිපිනය පළ කරනු නොලැබේ. අවශ්ය ක්ෂේත්ර සලකුණු වේ *

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