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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2’s Cal Kestis Can Be The Inquisitors’ Avenger

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Cal Kestis

"So where to now?" Cal asks at the very end of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, posing the question not only to the Mantis Crew but to those who played the game. In his new wisdom, Cal has destroyed the Holocron and allowed the children of the Star Wars universe to dedicate their own fate, lest the knowledge also be used by the Empire to hunt them down. His actions may be unknown, but it was yet another twinkle of hope for a galaxy beleaguered by the Empire. And while his question is in earnest, it's clear where Cal should go next.

Indeed, the primary antagonists of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order were the Inquisitors who were attempting to hunt down Cal and friends. This ends with a powerful appearance from Darth Vader, but it's not Vader who makes the villains' story compelling, it's the Second Sister. Her last words to Cal, as well as one unique aspect of the gaming medium, present themselves as obvious reason for Cal to take up the quest to end the Inquisitors.

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First, it's worth highlighting that it is not possible for one Jedi to end the Inquisitors, but Cal isn't alone. Per the Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded reference book, there have been a total number of 12 inquisitors in lore. It's clear that Cal may have impacted these numbers too. Star Wars' Inquisitors were mostly made up of Jedi who surrendered to the Empire, were turned to the Dark Side, and were forced to do Palpatine and Vader's bidding. Order 66 means the primary source of Inquisitors was gone, and without the holocron to track down Force-sensitive children (thanks to Cal), their ranks aren't easily replenished. In turn, this enables Cal to find the rest of the Inquisitors.

Thus far, 10 Inquisitors have appeared in various forms of Star Wars media. The Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, and Eighth Brother met their ends during Star Wars Rebels, while the Sixth Brother died to Ahsoka Tano in lore, and the Tenth Brother died in the comics. Two Inquisitors of unknown names also died in the Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comics, while Second Sister dies to Darth Vader in Jedi: Fallen Order and Ninth Sister is lost on Kashyyyk (unknown whether she survived or not). As such, assuming The Grand Inquisitor ranked first and each number corresponded to a rank, that means two of the following are still alive: The Third, Fourth, Eleventh, or Twelfth (with the Ninth as a possibility).

In-lore, the Inquisitors no longer exist in the Empire in 0 BBY, as the Empire officially believed that the Jedi were extinct. Of course, this begs the question of several Jedi who lived in the Dark Times and obviously the Empire was wrong as Obi-Wan, Yoda, and more had survived, but that's neither here nor there. What this does, instead, is give plenty of opportunity for a game where the Hunted become the Hunters.

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With at least 2-3 Inquisitors unaccounted for during this time period, a game where Cal hunted them down, tried to redeem and avenge them, and ultimately succeeded would make for an interesting game. There's 14 years between Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order and 0 BBY, and it could be a good way to explore Cal's growth of a Jedi in-game. While planet travel would still be key, the games could be divided over three story arcs that progressed through time and showed Cal's growth; if Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 brought in a struggle with the Dark Side, that would be even more reflective of his growth (or fall).

Cal could find and defeat the Ninth Sister, then find and defeat the others over a few years, with potentially the Twelfth serving as a story important and special Inquisitor that ties a lot together. Cal could give his life to redeem the final Inquisitor, ending the order and causing Darth Vader and the Empire to believe the Jedi are extinct come 0 BBY. Thus, not only were the living Force Sensitives made safe by Cal, but any who would arise in the years to come. Either way, there's a lot of ways that could unfold, but there are two major reasons why it should be Cal who ends the Inquisitors.

The Second Sister's final words to Cal were, "Avenge Us." She is referring to the various Jedi who survived physically but died mentally following Order 66, and that would set up Cal for a path to the Dark Side if he killed the Inquisitors or a path to the Light Side if he redeemed/freed them. But, while Ezra Bridger, comics, or another character altogether could theoretically be the ones who defeat the Inquisitors, Cal has been directly asked. If Cal needs a new journey, saving those who are lost now and preventing more from falling to the Empire is a worthwhile goal.

Finally, there would be the player impact this would have. As Jedi: Fallen Order is canon, instead of avoiding canon events, it could embrace them. Players could have never defeated Vader because fans know how his story turns out, but players—through Cal—could have a tangible impact on the Star Wars franchise. It would fit a role of meta storytelling that wouldn't interfere with major Star Wars events but tie players to the events of several stories indirectly. All remains to be seen, of course, but it'll be interesting to see what EA and Respawn Entertainment have cooking for Jedi: Fallen Order 2.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 is reportedly in development.

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