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Street Fighter 5 And PUBG Are September’s PS Plus GamesLandon WrightVideo Game News, Reviews, Walkthroughs And Guides | GamingBolt

Street Fighter 5 And Pubg Are September’s Ps Plus Games


2020 is ticking away, slowly but surely. It can be harsh at times to look at the calendar and see the months fading away. But at the very least it means that for all the subscription services you are part of there is always a fresh rollover happening. One of those, of course, is Sony’s PlayStation Plus and September has two games in two very different multiplayer genres for you to enjoy.

As announced via the official PlayStation blog, next month will see Capcom’s long running Street Fighter 5 being given away. The title has been ongoing since 2016. This will be the base game, though all of the additional modes have been given as free updates. The other is the original battle royale shooter PUBG. The game more or less invented an entire genre that is still going on today, and if you haven’t checked it out now is as good a time as any.

Street Fighter 5 and PUBG will be free for PS Plus subscribers on PS4 starting September 1st until October 5th. The current games are Fall Guys and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered, which you will be able to redeem until the end of this month.

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