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Super Magbot is Intense Magnetic Madness

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Super Magbot Gameplay

Super Magbot sets itself apart from other puzzle platformers due to the use of magnetic fields. With hazardous courses, filled with deadly objects, you must use attraction and repulsion in order to reach the end goal but will the concept stick with gamers?

Published by the talented folks at Team 17, Super Magbot takes what games like Super Meatboy and Celeste popularised and plays with the mechanics. Placing puzzles at the forefront, each course will have you planning out your route in order to reach the goal. With blue and red panels littered throughout, you must work out when to pull and push yourself from particular surfaces in order to get to safety. Sound simple? Trust me, it’s not! Check out our footage of this unique title below.

What are your thoughts on our Super Magbot gameplay? Will you be able to get through these mind-bending courses? If you’d like to find out more about this gorgeous title then click here? Make sure you let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. As always, remember to check back for more news, and don’t forget to subscribe to us on Youtube for more great video game content.

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