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Terminator: Resistance – Annihilation Line DLC Review (PS5) – A Solidly Entertaining If Unambitious Shooter Expansion

Terminator Resistance Annihilation Line Ps5 Review 1 6

Terminator: Resistance – Annihilation Line DLC PS5 review. Arguably the best Terminator game that has ever been made and while that is something of a low bar to overcome in the first place, Terminator: Resistance nonetheless successfully filled a T-800 sized hole in the hearts and minds of those folks who had long sought after a video game to do the iconic movie franchise some sort of justice.

Annihilation Line, a substantial story expansion to the base game, aims to extend the impressively authentic, if functionally workmanlike, campaign of Terminator: Resistance and it succeeds in doing so with aplomb. Quite simply, if you just wanted more Terminator: Resistance then Annihilation Line will be a largely no-brainer purchase to say the least.

Terminator: Resistance – Annihilation Line DLC PS5 Review

A Solid If Unambitious Story Expansion To The Best Terminator Game Ever

Taking place during the events of the main campaign of Terminator: Resistance, Annihilation Line has players joining up with legendary resistance soldier Kyle Reese who, at the behest of leader John Connor, has been sent to investigate a distress signal that stretches all the way past the titular Annihilation Line – the border at which the machines will brook no further ingress into their territory.

Much like the main game then, Annihilation Line shows that developer Teyon has a clear understanding and solid grasp of what goes into making a good Terminator video game. As was the case with the story campaign of Terminator: Resistance simply oozes love for its silver screen source material, with a pitch perfect score and detailed visuals that perfectly evoke the nightmare of Terminator’s post apocalyptic future war scenario.

The premise too is an intriguing one that fans of the movies and lore at large will get a kick out of, as the expansion deals with the emergence of the human skinned T-800 units that would be the bane of John Connor’s existence, in addition to putting players up against the ‘rubbered’ T-600 units – essentially Terminators with really poor, plastic skin jobs.

As to the core gameplay of Annihilation Line little has changed and nothing new has been added – this is, quite simply, more Terminator: Resistance and little else to speak of. Now this is something of a double-edged sword obviously because while Terminator: Resistance was a fine, if rudimentary shooter that riffed perhaps a little too heavily on its genre betters such as Deus Ex and Fallout, not adding anything of note to that already somewhat tired formula means that Annihilation Line feels distinctly unambitious as a result.

As such, this basically means that you’ll be doing the exact same sort of shooting, crafting, resource gathering and skill upgrading that you did before – though in keeping with its place in the overall storyline of Terminator: Resistance, Annihilation Line kindly starts you off with a bunch of ability points to pre-assign however you see fit.

Despite that, Annihilation Line is still ultimately a fun time and an extension of a solid, if unspectacular shooter that does ample justice to its source material. With some seriously neat moments that echo some key scenes from the first two films and at just over five hours in length, is a neatly digestible morsel that doesn’t surprise or innovate in any sort of meaningful way, but instead gives us more of that Terminator: Resistance goodness.

Essentially, if you’re a Terminator fan and played Terminator: Resistance through to completion, enjoyed it and wanted to stay in that world, then Annihilation Line is absolutely your ticket.

Terminator: Resistance – Annihilation Line DLC is out now on PS5.

Review code kindly provided by PR.

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