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The 2018 E3 Gameplay Demo of Cyberpunk 2077 was completely fake

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Jason Schreier (Gaming Journalist at Bloomberg) has recently written an article about the disaster of Cyberpunk 2077’s release in which he stated

“Fans and journalists were wowed by Cyberpunk 2077’s ambition and scale. What they didn’t know was that the demo was almost entirely fake.”

“CD Projekt hadn’t yet finalized and coded the underlying gameplay systems, which is why so many features, such as car ambushes, were missing from the final product.”
As he stated, the E3 Gameplay Demo of Cyberpunk 2077 was completely fake, and CDPR had not even finalized the gameplay system’s coding. That’s the reason why they cut off so many features before releasing the game. Also, if CDPR cannot fix Cyberpunk 2077 with the upcoming patches, they will be charged 10 percent of their income, which they earned in 2020.
You can also read our version of Why Cyberpunk 2077 was the most disappointing game of 2020. Here’s a bit of our article which talked about the false advertisement

“CDPR said that the console version ran fine a while ago. Our friends at Alt Char covered everything related to that. Another thing Cyberpunk 2077 does wrong is the customization. You cannot even change your hairstyle. Even though CDPR advertised a poster that said, “it doesn’t matter if you are dead as long as you are in style,” there is no big emphasis on fashion or style at all. There are nearly no RPG mechanics present in the game that really affect the gameplay, even though Cyberpunk 2077 was advertised as an Open-World RPG.

Another lie about Cyberpunk 2077 was about the Brain Dance mechanic used in a few missions even though CDPR stated that it is a “Big Part” of Cyberpunk 2077’s universe. Another fishy thing is that they sent Cyberpunk 2077 review keys for the only PC. They might not have wanted terrible reviews for Consoles to ruin their sales. It seems very fishy, honestly, because Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the worst ports on consoles. Hopefully, the next-gen version improves something in 2021. They should have just canceled the current-gen version. They just did it for money. It seems “We Leave Greed To Others” that quote by CDPR has aged like milk.”
Now add the fake gameplay demo as well; this is just peak false advertisement.

What do you think? Please let us know in the comments below.

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