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The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Amiibos Delayed In The US

Skyward Sword

Skyward Sword's Zelda and Loftwing amiibo figure has been affected by "unforeseen" shipping delays in the US according to IGN.

A few will still arrive today as part of the plan to commemorate the launch of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD for the Nintendo Switch, but most of them will, unfortunately, be delayed.

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"The Zelda & Loftwing amiibo figure is currently impacted by unforeseen shipping delays," Nintendo of America said, "As a result, only a small portion of the Zelda & Loftwing will be available on its scheduled July 16 launch date. Additional shipments are delayed until August. We will ship additional amiibo to retailers as soon as they arrive."

However, while the Skyward Sword-themed amiibo shipment has been pushed back a month due to unforeseen delays, this has not impacted other Nintendo amiibo figures. The reasoning is currently unknown.

The new amiibo comes with a quality of life update – a controversial addition – that allows for the players to return to the sky whenever they choose. In the original game (or, in this case, when playing without the amiibo), you have to find your way to the Bird Statues – the save points – to return to the sky. The feature even works in both dungeons and buildings.

The amiibo features Zelda with her own Loftwing, a Guardian Bird. The inhabitants of Skyloft use them to fly around the various regions in-universe. However, the static amiibo rendition can either adorn your shelf to look pretty or you can use it to get this new feature in-game. For those without the amiibos, you're stuck with the old methods. However, most people will be in that boat as of now due to these delays.

Next: Hopefully Skyward Sword Finally Gets The Respect It Deserves

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