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Warframe: Guide To Playing As Loki | Game Rant

Warframe Lokiguide

Loki is one of the original Warframes released back when Warframe was released way back in 2012. He is the original stealth Warframe that has a focus on avoiding enemies and manipulating the battlefield in his favor. Yes, Loki is sort of like the actual trickster god from which he gets his name.

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Loki is great for stealth missions, avoiding enemy detection, and disarming his foes. Even though this Warframe is one of the originals, players still find it difficult to make builds for him. Admittedly, Loki is more of an advanced character to choose. Even the website lists him as advanced.

7 How To Obtain Loki

Loki is easier to get than newer Warframes. Players need to first unlock Psamathe on Neptune. The boss on this planet is known as the Hyena Pack.

Players need to defeat the boss enough times to get all of the blueprints for Loki's parts. Once all of the parts are obtained, players can purchase Loki's blueprint from the marketplace for 35,000 credits. Loki can also be purchased from the marketplace for 175 platinum.

6 Decoy

Loki's Decoy ability is great for distracting enemies. When the Decoy ability is activated, a clone of Loki will appear and draw enemies in. This ability is perfect for giving allies openings during missions. It is also great for stealth missions. Loki can use his decoy to distract enemies and sneak past to the objective.

The augment for this ability, Savior Decoy, makes it so this ability is cast faster. It also makes it so Loki will trade places with his decoy when he is close to death. Increasing ability duration will allow this ability to last longer.

5 Invisibility

Loki's Invisibility ability renders him invisible to all enemies. This is useful for players who need a little help surviving in battle. While invisible, enemies will not be able to fire on Loki. Loki can also use this ability to his advantage by stealth killing enemies. Enemies killed like this will alert nearby enemies, but they will not know where to fire.

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The odds of Loki getting hit while invisible are very slim. The augment card, Hushed Silence, allows Loki to take enemies out silently while invisible. This mod silences all of Loki's weapons and confuses enemies more. Players will want to increase Loki's ability duration to keep this ability active for as long as possible.

4 Switch Teleport

Switch Teleport is one of the most important abilities that Loki has in his arsenal. This ability allows him to switch places with enemies and allies. This allows Loki to travel great distances in some cases. Loki can also use this ability to aid allies who are close to death.

Enemies who are teleported end up confused and vulnerable to attack. The augment card, Safeguard Switch, will help allies out more by making them invulnerable when they are teleported. Ability range is important for this ability so that Loki can travel farther distances.

3 Radial Disarm

Loki's final ability is Radial Disarm. This ability helps everyone on the team by disarming all enemies that are caught within its area of effect. Enemies will drop their weapons and be forced to move in and melee players. This is great for crowd control and combines well with the abilities of other Warframes.

Forcing enemies into a melee stance makes them more vulnerable to attacks from Warframes with AOE abilities. The augment card for this ability, Irradiating Disarm, causes enemies affected by this ability to become irradiated and confused. This makes enemies vulnerable to attacks and makes them fight each other. Players will want to increase Loki's ability duration and range to make the most out of Radial Disarm.

2 Strengths & Weaknesses

Loki is obviously meant to outperform other Warframes in stealth missions. His abilities make him excellent for assassination and spy missions. Loki is capable of completing these missions without getting spotted by enemies.

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Loki falls short in terms of health and shields. This Warframe will end up dying faster than normal when going up against multiple enemies. Loki can be built to survive longer against large groups of enemies by relying on his Radial Disarm ability.

1 How To Build Loki

Loki is best when built around his Radial Disarm ability. Using the Irradiated Disarm card will allow players to create a build that focuses on making enemies fight each other instead of fighting Loki. This will allow Loki to use his abilities to their greatest potential.

While enemies fight each other, Loki will be able to sneak past without being noticed or participate in the action by performing stealth takedowns. Players who want to build Loki like this will need to increase his ability duration and range. This will give Radial Disarm a long-lasting effect that reaching a lot of enemies.

NEXT: Warframe: Guide To Playing As Nidus

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