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Wasteland 3 Gets Heavy And Sober With “Down In The Valley To Pray” Song

Wasteland 3 Beta 3

In exactly a month’s time, we’ll be going back to the wasteland, specifically it’ll be Wasteland 3, the next game from InXile in the old school RPG series. The game will be set in a post-apocalyptic Colorado that promises brutal turn-based combat to match the brutal setting. Now, we get a bit of a song from the game’s soundtrack to set the tone.

The song is called Down in the Valley to Pray, a cover version of the American hymn Down in the River to Pray. It’s performed by Greg Jong, and gives us kind of a western feel of heaviness and being sober to help get you in the mood a little early for the long adventure through some less than pleasant times.

Wasteland 3 will release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC August 28th. The game will have a robust choice system like previous titles, which you can read more about through here.

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