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What Does Shadowbanned Mean? – COD Warzone

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If you're a dedicated online gamer, then the term "shadow ban" might be familiar to you, though this term means very different things depending on which game you're playing. When Shadow Banned in some games, you may be entirely unable to play, while in others you'll be relegated to a "special" lobby just for players like you.

Either way, a Shadow Ban can be incredibly frustrating, because it's supposed to be a punishment for cheaters, or incredibly anti-social players. Cheating has become a rampant issue in free-to-play PC shooters, since it's incredibly easy for a cheater to simply make a new account and continue their rampage. But getting stuck with those cheaters is something close to hell.

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In this guide we'll be outlining exactly what it means to get Shadow Banned in Call of Duty: Warzone, how you can discover if you've been Shadow Banned, and what you can do to get out of that tough situation.

"Shadow Bans" In Call Of Duty: Warzone Explained

A Shadow Ban in Call of Duty: Warzone won't be immediately obvious. Unlike some games that will put you in a server that will refuse to match you with other players, in Warzone you'll be placed in a server exclusively with other cheaters – whoever cheats the hardest and best, wins. The problem is that this can sometimes be done accidentally, though it is supposed to exclusively target cheaters.

Even if you've never touched a cheat in your life, this could potentially happen to you, which would be a nightmare. So now we need to figure out whether this has happened to you.

Have I Been Shadow Banned? – How To Discover Shadow Bans In Call Of Duty: Warzone

The first way to tell if you've been Shadow Banned is to check your ping while in a game. If you have a ping drastically higher than 100ms, you either have an awful home internet connection, or you have potentially been Shadow Banned. This happens because the "cheater" server is not a local server, and you may therefore notice your ping spike.

Because there will also be fewer players to match with in this server, so if you notice it taking an incredibly long time to place you in a game, that can also be a symptom.

But more than anything, make sure to watch Kill Cams. If you get repeatedly hit by almost unthinkable shots, then you just might be dealing with a bunch of stinking cheaters.

How To Get UnShadowBanned – Reversing A Shadow Ban

There are two primary ways to remove a Shadow Ban, but neither is particularly swift.

The first method is waiting. If you wait a week or two, then accidental bans are usually lifted pretty reliably – though waiting sure isn't fun. Maybe pick up Apex Legends, eh?

Your other option is contacting Activision directly – which isn't much better, I know. Click the link to be taken to the Activision Ban Appeal page here, and then log in using your Activision account to appeal your Shadow Ban. Fingers crossed that solves the problem for you.

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