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Xbox Exec: “We Have a Lot of Reasons for People to Buy an Xbox Series X”

Xbox Series X

xbox series x

More than anything else, the thing Microsoft are offering with the Xbox Series X when it launches later this year is value. With a focus on backward compatibility unlike anything consoles have done in recent memory, and with Microsoft continuing to push Xbox Game Pass – which in itself has ridiculous value – Microsoft have no shortage of things to attract people to the Xbox Series X.

Speaking recently in an interview with Alanah Pearce (which you can view below), Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg – head of marketing at Xbox – spoke to that a bit more, remarking that in more ways than one, the Xbox Series X is doing things that are going to give people ample reasons to purchase the console this year.

The thing Greenberg highlighted first and foremost was the fact that for the first time since the inception of both Xbox and Halo, a new Xbox console will be launching with a new Halo game, which Greenberg commented was a great fit, owing to Infinite’s back-to-the-basics approach that seems to be calling back to the earlier days of the franchise so heavily.

“Well, I think for any big hardware launch, you always need that killer app, that game that’s built natively for it that’s like a big showcase. And for us, it’s exciting to have Halo Infinite launching [with the console], being built [and] fully optimized for Xbox Series X,” Greenberg said. “We haven’t had Halo launch with an Xbox since the original Xbox, and it’s just kinda fitting. I mean, Halo Infinite is a spiritual reboot and in many ways gives that OG Halo: Combat Evolved vibes, but has the modernization of the open, more explorable world, and grappling hooks, and a lot of the innovation that people wanna see, but still [with] a story focused on Chief. So I think if you want a killer app this Holiday that’s going to showcase and give you a reason to buy that console, I think we have that.”

Greenberg went on to say that with four generations of Xbox games being playable on the Xbox Series X right off the bat through backward compatibility and with Xbox Game Pass offering the value that it does, in addition to the console’s impressive specs, there are plenty more reasons to buy an Xbox Series X even beyond Halo.

“From a games lineup [perspective], for the first time ever we have four generations of games playable at launch,” he said. “In addition to that, we have over 100 titles fully optimized this Holiday also for Series X. I don’t think any video console’s ever had this many games playable at launch.

“Not to mention, if you care a lot about power and specs, we’re gonna be more powerful than any other video game console. So from power, from Game Pass, from Halo, we think we have a lot of reasons to get people to buy an Xbox Series X.”

Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella has previously talked up the Xbox Series X’s launch lineup as well, mentioning that it will have the largest launch lineup for any console ever. With Halo Infinite and other games like The Medium, it definitely does seem like there will be interesting things on offer right from the get go. Of course, price is something that will be a major factor that decides how many people will jump in right away, so here’s hoping Microsoft remain smart with their decisioning on that front.

The Xbox Series X launches this Holiday season, but has no firm release date yet.

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