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עייודן כראָניק: הונדערט העלדן קיקקסטאַרטער אַטשיווז איבער $ 1.8 מיליאָן, נייַע אויסשטרעקן גאָולז אַנאַונסט

עייודן כראָניק: הונדערט העלדן

ראַבאַט & בער סטודיאָס האָבן מאַסע-פאַנדאַד זייער Suikoden וועטעראַן דעוועלאָפּער-געמאכט עייודן כראָניק: הונדערט העלדן by over $1.8 million USD, and have announced new stretch goals.

ווי דערמאנט אין אונדזער אַרטיקל פריערדיק קאַווערידזש, די אַנטוויקלונג מאַנשאַפֿט פון די 2.5D JRPG כולל Yoshitaka Murayama שרייבן די געשיכטע (Suikoden, Suikoden II), Junko Kawano האַנדלינג כאַראַקטער פּלאַן (Suikoden, Suikoden IV), און Osamu Komuta האַנדלינג "סיסטעם פּלאַן און ריכטונג"(Suikoden טאַקטיק, Suikoden Tierkreis).

די קיקקסטאַרטער קאמפאניע לאָנטשט July 27th, און געזוכט $ 500,000 וסד. טראָץ ישוז מיט די גאנצע קיקקסטאַרטער וועבזייטל געגאנגען אַראָפּ, די קאמפאניע באַלד דורכגעגאנגען אַז אין אַ ענין פון שעה, דערגרייכן מער ווי $ 1 מיליאָן later that day. At this time of writing, the campaign sits at $1.827 million USD. New stretch goals (many of which have been achieved) were announced.

Freshly completed stretch goals include letting uses switch sound effects in battle (“Ever want to hear a cat meow instead of a sword swipe? איצט איר קענען!“), Chinese localization, the Guild system, and new character “intelligent, hardworking, but often underestimated” Perielle Grum joining the game.

You can find the full rundown on the Guild system and previously achieved cooking minigame below.

גילד סיסטעם

Once your Fortress Town gets large enough, you’ll get the opportunity to create guilds. There are a number of different guilds to create in your town, including knight guilds, blacksmith guilds, cooking guilds, merchant guilds, thieves’ guilds, and even the oh-so relaxing hot spring guild.

Each guild will have requests that can be completed by assigning a character to the task. Each task you complete will earn you rewards, and guilds themselves will allow your characters to learn skills that will help both in battle and in further growing your fortress.

The Cafeteria

As you develop your fortress town, you’ll eventually have the opportunity to build a cafeteria in your town. You can staff your cafeteria with characters you’ve recruited, and the recipes that they cook will be determined by the recipes you’ve learned, and the characters stationed there.

Once you’ve raised the rank of your cafeteria high enough, you’ll be able to create a guild or it [sic], allowing you to create a franchise and open new restaurants in other towns throughout the land. As your brand further grows, you’ll even have the opportunity to go head to head against rival restaurants!

The new stretch goals include a fishing minigame at $1.95 million, and new characters joining at $2.1 million and $2.2 million. While the latter is partially obscured (only seeing their description as “Total Neat Freak”) you can find the rundown on the other two stretch goals below.

  • “Fishing Minigame – It’s not a JRPG without a riveting fishing minigame, and we aim to please. If you’re not fishin’, you’re not livin’.
  • Yuferius VII Joins – This diligent and strategic beastman mercenary commander has a startling resemblance to a walking shark, and joins the game at this stretch goal, bringing the total heroes to 102. (We know you can’t wait to see him, and you will in tomorrow’s update!)”

די עייודן כראָניק: הונדערט העלדן Kickstarter is live now, and ends August 28th. In case you missed it, you can find our interview with the game’s writer and Suikoden וועטעראַן יאָשיטאַקאַ מורייאַמאַ דאָ.

עייודן כראָניק: הונדערט העלדן וועט קאַטער האַרבסט 2022 פֿאַר Windows PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X און עפשער נינטענדאָו סוויטש.

אָריגינעל אַרטיקל

פאַרשפּרייטן די ליבע
ווייַזן מער

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