
פּלייסטיישאַן ס ווייַטער געשעעניש קען זיין אויף 8 יולי

A new rumour is suggesting that PlayStation’s Next Event could be on July 8th. This rumour comes from the same person who leaked information about the Far Cry 6 Event.
מיר פריער געמאלדן וועגן Sony planning to have an event in a couple of weeks where they plan to show God of War, but that event was reportedly supposed to happen in June again. Take this rumour with a grain of salt, but we do know that Sony is planning to have an event in a couple of weeks which will most likely be an E3 type presentation.
According to this rumour, Rockstar will showcase גראַנד טעפט אַוטאָ V ענכאַנסט און יקספּאַנדיד אַדישאַן as well, which could most likely turn out to be true because we do not know anything about it yet.

בילד פון פּלייסטיישאַן לאָגאָ

Again take this rumour with a grain of salt because nothing is true until it is officially announced by PlayStation.
I personally think that they are having an event which could either be at the end of June or the beginning of July, and they might reveal a release date for Horizon Forbidden West there and showcase some games in development which have not been revealed yet. פּלייסטיישאַן האט 25 ערשטער-פּאַרטיי גאַמעס אין אַנטוויקלונג פֿאַר PS5, and I am pretty sure we will see some of them in June or July.
וואס מיינט איר? ביטע לאָזן אונדז וויסן אין די באַמערקונגען אונטן.

אנכית גבא

הויפּט רעדאַקטאָר פון גיימינג רוט
גרויס פאָכער פון קאַמף-RPGs, Rogue Likes, FPS שפּילערייַ און סימיאַלייטערז.

אָריגינעל אַרטיקל

פאַרשפּרייטן די ליבע
ווייַזן מער

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