דרוק ריליס

זעקס-טייל BIT.TRIP סעריע באַקומען סוויטש פּאָרץ אויף ניטל טאָג


Publisher QubicGames and developer Choice Provisions are porting the six-part BIT.TRIP series to the Nintendo Switch.

The news comes via new eShop listings for all six games – BIT.TRIP Beat, BIT.TRIP Core, BIT.TRIP Void, ביט.טריפּ ראַנער, BIT.TRIP Fate, און BIT.TRIP Flux. All six games were originally released for the Wii via its WiiWare platform.

Each game will be released on December 25th, for $4.99 each. This means almost the entire BIT TRIP series will be on Switch, except for BIT.TRIP Runner 2. Perhaps they’ll port לויפער 2 soon, so that fans can play through every game in the franchise? We’ll keep you guys posted.

אָריגינעל אַרטיקל

פאַרשפּרייטן די ליבע
ווייַזן מער

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