
אַפּקאַמינג סאָניק סימפאָניע קאָנסערט און סאָניק קאָלאָרס אַנאַמיישאַן דעטאַילעד

די Sonic Central Broadcast announced that for the 3oth birthday of Sonic on June 23, they will be hosting a Virtual Symphony of iconic Sonic songs. It will be completely free and be a part of the זומער שפיל פעסט.

Along with an upcoming symphony, the broadcast revealed the animation סאָניק קאָלאָרס: העכערונג פון די וויספּס. This will be a short, two-part animation.

As of late, Sonic games haven’t seen the popularity and success that the series used to enjoy. But the attention of the recent 2020 live action סאָניק די העדגעהאָג movie and its upcoming sequel may have brought Sonic back into the public’s consciousness.

סאָניק קאָלאָרס was originally released on Wii in 2010. Could this animation both appeal to the older Sonic fans while also bring in new ones?

מאָקער: סאָניק סענטראַל

די פּאָסטן Upcoming Sonic Symphony Concert And <em>Sonic Colors</em> Animation Detailed ארויס ערשטער אויף Nintendojo.

אָריגינעל אַרטיקל

פאַרשפּרייטן די ליבע
ווייַזן מער

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