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יאַקוזאַ: ווי אַ דראַגאָן לאָנטשיז אויף קסבאָקס סעריעס רענטגענ, ד נאוועמבער 10; ריליס פּלאַנס פון אנדערע ווערסיעס איצט ומקלאָר

יאַקוזאַ ווי אַ שלאנג

די יאַקוזאַ series is getting quite the face lift this holiday season with Yakuza: ווי אַ דראַקאָן. Released at the beginning of this year as Yakuza 7 in Japan, it revamps the long running series in a turn-based JRPG affair with tons of characters. In the west, it’s set to be coming to multiple different platforms, and now we have a date for a specific one.

Publisher Sega announced that the game will come out on November 10th for the Xbox Series X and S at the same time as the launch for both systems. The game has been heavily promoted alongside the Xbox Series X before this, so it’s no surprise. Oddly, though, that announcement has thrown some confusion about other versions. Earlier, it was reported the game was set to come out on November 13th. געמאַצו reported asking Sega reps if the other versions would still be coming on that date, which they did not answer, only referring to announcement of the new date for the Series X/S release.

The game was originally set to come on November 13th for PS4, Xbox One and PC, with a PS5 version said to only be coming “later.” A similar situation happened with אַססאַססין ס קרעעד וואַלהאַללאַ where its date was moved up a whole week to coincide with the launch of the Series X/S, but in that case it was made clear that was something for every version. While one would presume the same is true for ווי אַ דראַגאָן, Sega’s refusal to clarify does bring up question. For now, all we can say for sure is that the game will release for the Series X and S on November 10th. We’ll update when the dates for other versions are clarified.

אָריגינעל אַרטיקל

פאַרשפּרייטן די ליבע
ווייַזן מער

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