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Astro’s Playroom is 4-5 Hours Long

Astros Playroom Image

astro's playroom

It might not be the most high profile first party game the PS5 is launching it, but there’s still every reason to be looking forward to Astro’s Playroom. Developed to showcase the DualSense’s new abilities, including its haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, if it’s as inventive, charming, and enjoyable as its predecessor, Astro Bot Rescue Mission was, it’ll end up being an excellent platformer.

Recently, in an interview with Famitsu, the game’s director Nicolas Doucet (via @Nibellion on Twitter) revealed some new details on the game. Astro’s Playroom will be about 4-5 hours long, and will be divided into worlds. The names of these worlds are Cooling Resort, GPU Jungle, SSD Speedway, and Memory Sky (though these names are machine translated, so the final names will probably be different).

Meanwhile, Doucet also states that the game will have plenty of collectibles and tributes and easter eggs from throughout the history of PlayStation for fans to seek out. The game will also have a time attack mode, as well as online ranking.

Given the fact that Astro’s Playroom is a free game that’ll be pre-installed on every PS5 that Sony sells, that sounds pretty good, especially if the game has platforming and levels as good as its predecessor.

Astro’s Playroom and the PS5 will both release on November 12 (or November 19, depending on where you are in the world). Recently, a leak claimed that the PS5 will have 664 GB of usable internal storage, of which Astro’s Playroom will take up 2.4 GB. Read more on that through here.

Interview with Nicolas Doucet on Astro's Playroom

– 4 worlds: Cooling Resort, GPU Jungle, SSD Speedway and Memory Sky (machine translated)
– 4-5 hours of playtime
– filled with collectibles and PlayStation tributes
– time attack mode
– online ranking

— Nibel (@Nibellion) October 6, 2020

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