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Desperados 3 Free Update Adds New “Baron’s Challenge” Missions

Desperados 3 02

Desperados 3_02

Mimimi Games’ stellar tactical stealth title Desperados 3 has received its first major free content since launch. Update 1.2 brings four new “Baron’s Challenge missions along with bug fixes and improvements to stability. To see some of the missions in action, check out the trailer below.

The missions consist of stopping a snake-oil salesman in Flagstone, crashing Mayor Higgins’ wedding at his estate (with the help of mind control darts) and much more. Among the bug fixes are the “Continue” button from the main menu no longer loading players into locked/broken levels. Cloth simulation should also be improved for all characters.

Certain UI issues, like button shadows being misplaced, have also been fixed while the Statistics screen will provide “more consistent” information. Check out some of the patch notes below for more information. Desperados 3 is currently available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Check out our review for it here and stay tuned for more details in the meantime.


Performance and Stability

Crash Fixes: We made further optimizations to improve the overall stability of the game. Crashes should happen less frequently now, and a few crash cases should be gone completely.

New Content

Four new Baron’s Challenge Missions:

Bug Fixes

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