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Fallout 76: Steel Dawn Will Add New Questline, Locations, Weapons, and More

Fallout 76 Steel Dawn

fallout 76 steel dawn

Credit where credit is due- given the disastrous launch and relentless criticism that Fallout 76 suffered, you would have expected Bethesda to wash their hands off the game at the first chance possible. It’s what most publishers in the industry would have done. Bethesda, however, have stuck with the game, adding to it with consistent updates. And the next big update, Fallout 76: Steel Dawn, is out soon.

We’ve known for a while now that Steel Dawn will introduce the Brotherhood of Steel – which Fallout fans will be very familiar with – to the online RPG, but in a recent update, Bethesda have provided some more details on what players can expect from the expansion.

On top of adding the first chapter of the new Brotherhood of Steel questline to Fallout 76, Steel Dawn will also bring with it new locations to explore, new weapons and armour from the Brotherhood’s own arsenal to equip, and new NPCs to meet. A new trailer gives a taste of all of this and sets the stage for the Brotherhood questline. Take a look below.

Fallout 76’s last major update, Wastelanders, was a significant improvement over the base game, so there’s reason to be optimistic about this one as well. Fingers crossed. Steel Dawn will release on December 1, and will be free for all Fallout 76 owners.

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