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Genshin Impact – Update 1.2 Notes Detail Frostbearing Tree, New Domain

Genshin Impact Update 1.2

Genshin Impact Update 1.2

Update 1.2 is now available to pre-load for PC players of Genshin Impact via the launcher. MiHoYo has also released the patch notes for the same, revealing the new content that’s coming tomorrow. Dragonspine is the main draw with the new region offering various quests and puzzles to overcome. There’s also the new Sheer Cold status effect which accumulates in the region and upon hitting its cap, will result in gradual HP loss from players.

The Frostbearing Tree is a new reward structure. By offering Crimson Agates from the region, players can receive a new wind glider, Intertwined Fate, weapon blueprints, Acquaint Fate and much more as rank-up rewards. A new Domain, the Peak in Vindagnyr, is also available with new Artifacts to earn.

The first new 5-star character, Albedo, also goes live. Players can partake in the main event “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon” which provides the new Festering Desire sword for free. Best of all, Original Resin is no longer needed to take part in update 1.2 events. The next 5-star character, Ganyu, will be available in January 2021.

Update Details

New Areas

New Area: Dragonspine

New Feature of Dragonspine – Frostbearing Tree

New Domain of Dragonspine – Peak in Vindagnyr

New Characters

5-Star Character “Kreideprinz” Albedo (Geo)

5-Star Character “Plenilune Gaze” Ganyu (Cryo)

New Equipment

New Artifact Sets: Blizzard Strayer and Heart of Depth

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