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Godfall’s Standard Edition Will Be Priced At $69.99 On PS5, Will Also Get Deluxe And Ascended Editions

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A new generation of consoles is always exciting. There’s new games, new tech and well, just lots and lots of new. But it seems this generation is also going to be defined by more expensive games as well. It began when it was announced that the PS5/Xbox Series X version of NBA 2K21 would see a $10 price hike, then Activision followed suit with Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and finally with Sony signaling their next gen exclusives would also see that $69.99 price tag for standard editions. And now it seems the first next gen game we technically ever saw is following suit.

The pre-order listing for the PS5 version of Godfall went live via Best Buy, which you can see through here. As you can see the standard version is listed at that lovely new $69.99 price. It also seems we’ll be getting a Deluxe Edition ($89.99) and something called an Ascended Edition ($99.99). While neither got an official announcement, they are detailed on the Epic Games Store page. The Deluxe will grant you access to an expansion pack that has yet to be detailed, and Ascended will give you that and “Gold-themed digital goods.”

Godfall will release alongside the PS5 on November 12th. It will also release on the PC via the Epic Games Store on the same day and as of writing this it’s still priced for $59.99 there with the other two editions $10 cheaper than their console counterpart. It’s unclear at this time if that will change.

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