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Hitman 3 – All Locations Officially Revealed

Hitman 3

Hitman 3

IO Interactive has revealed the rest of the locations for the upcoming Hitman 3. Dubai in UAE, Dartmoor in England and Chongqing, China have all been revealed beforehand. Berlin, Germany was announced as the fourth location in Game Informer’s cover story for the game.

The last two locations are Mendoza, Argentina and the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. The former consists of vineyards and sloping hills, providing some scenic beauty as Agent 47 undertakes his mission. The latter is bereft of details but it could be the asylum where the famous assassin was created. We’ll have to wait and see.

Hitman 3 is out on January 20th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC, Google Stadia and via the cloud for Nintendo Switch. Owners of the previous two games can also explore their locations and missions within Hitman 3, that too with new features and graphical improvements. The total space for all of this content shouldn’t be more than 100 GB according to the developer.

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