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Metal Slug Tactics Is Blasting Onto Switch Next Year

Metal Slug Tactics was unveiled during the E3 festivities this year, but the latest Indie World from Nintendo confirmed the news many of us – well, this writer in any case – was waiting to hear. It's coming to Nintendo Switch next year.

In case you missed it, this is a Dotemu-published new take on the iconic IP (developed by Leikir Studio), adopting isometric tactics gameplay along with the usual colourful visuals and characters. The new trailer (above) showcased some of the gameplay in action, while confirming that Tee Lopes is working on the soundtrack.

Below is a bit of blurb:

Paired with gorgeous pixel art and fluid animation which faithfully channels the series’ timeless aesthetic, this new footage of frontline powerhouses Marco, Eri, Fio, and Tarma rolling out to battle from a headquarters packed with nods to the long-running series’ history. The team returns with their signature arsenal – including the reliable heavy machine gun and devastating SVX-15D Slugnoid mech – as they face down fresh tactical fights.

Are you excited about playing this one on Switch next year?

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