
Bugsnax Jasal għal Steam fl-2022


Game of the Year contender and all-round bizarre adventure bugsnax is finally coming to Steam. Developer Young Horses confirmed in a press release that the PC version would arrive on the platform in 2022. bugsnax oriġinarjament imnedija for PS4, PS5 and PC via the Epic Games Store in November 2020.

Creative director and writer Kevin Zuhn stated that, “We’re buzzing with excitement to serve up bugsnax to a new audience on Steam! We’ll have some meaty news and a few juicy surprises to get people talkin’ bout bugsnax għal darb'oħra aktar tard din is-sena.”

L-istorja għal bugsnax takes place on the mystical Snaktooth Island where various creatures reside. As the name implies, they’re half-bug and half-food item and it’s your job to learn more about their mysterious nature. However, when the explorer Elizabert Megafig is revealed to be missing on your arrival, it becomes a task to hunt down each of the 100 different Bugsnax species and feed the other characters on the island.

Each of the Bugsnax has their own unique properties and you’ll to employ different methods and traps to obtain them. For the various accolades that the title has earned since release, head hawn.

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