
Impatt Genshin: Postijiet ta' Naku Weed

Impatt Genshin is a massive game already, but the addition of Inazuma made the world of Teyvat even busier. Now that there is a new region in play, you will want to start picking up the new regional specialties so that you will be ready to ascend your characters quickly.

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One of the Inazuma specialties you will need is called Naku Weed and it is one of the most dangerous plants to collect in the game. This item is needed for a couple of quests in the region and will likely be an ascension item for some of the region's upcoming characters, including Yoimiya.

Where to Find Naku Weed in Inazuma

Naku Weed can be found growing in some of the most dangerous locations in Inazuma. The plant thrives in areas that are infused with dangerous electro energy, meaning that you will likely end up taking quite a bit of damage while trying to pick it.

  • Tip: Bl-użu Beidou’s shield can help to negate electro damage.

Kun żgur li keep an eye on your team's health when exploring the areas of Inazuma where this plant grows. Another good strategy for reducing damage is using an potion ta 'insulazzjoni before you start your route.

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Naku Weed Locations

Naku Weed can be found in quite a few areas throughout Inazuma, as you can see from the map above. One of the best places to harvest a large amount of Naku Weed is below the Mikage Furnace. To gain access to the furnace though, you will need to complete the questline, Tatara Tales, and break the barrier surrounding it. You should also note that the area is full of Fatui, making it incredibly dangerous at times.

If you don’t yet have access to the Mikage Furnace area, then you can pick up Naku Weed near the electric water at the base of Mt. Yougou. You can also find them near the Gorge on Yashiori Island. Keep in mind that the bulk of this plant is still located near the Mikage Furnace, so you should unlock the area as soon as possible. Visit the nearby Kujou Encampment biex tikseb it-tfittxija started if you don’t have it already.

Can You Buy Naku Weed?

Yes, you can actually buy Naku Weed in Inazuma City. The plant is sold at Tsukumomono Groceries by Aoi. hija restocks Naku Weed every week during the weekly reset and sells five of the plant at a time.

  • Tip: Naku Weed sells for 1,000 tut each or 5,000 tut for the entire stock.

In addition to buying Naku Weed, the item can now be grown in your Serenitea Pot Grazzi lil the gardening update. Naku Weed uses the Luxuriant Glebe plot that can be purchased from Tubby for 300 realm currency. If you don’t have the seed dispensary, you can buy Naku Weed seeds from Tubby for five realm currency kull waħda.

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