
Roblox Wacky Wizards: Kif tagħmel il-pozzjoni tad-DNA

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Aktar minn 150 miljun ruħ qed jaqbżu fuqhom Roblox to play through 20 million-plus user-developed "experiences." However, Wacky Wizard's has taken the platform by storm, peaking to around 347,140,000 visits since it debuted earlier in May 2021. The fantasy game's tremendous amount of fun comes from using and combining different ingredients in the wizard's pot to brew unique potions, each with wildly different effects.

Within Wacky Wizards, there is an entire gallery of range concoctions within easy reach of the player. One recipe, for example, brings YouTuber KSI into Roblox, free to interact and explore with. Another simply makes the player's body parts uncontrollably spin around. Although, the best remedy at one's disposal has to be the DNA potion, which is not only highly valuable but can be traded with The Collector to unlock exclusive goodies.

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How to Use the Wacky Wizards Brewing Book


Like other popular free Roblox logħob tal-bini, there are tools ready from the get-go for the player to use. The brewing book particularly is a wizard's best friend, as it can brew potions along with the cauldron itself. Moreover, it has various abilities, such as draining the current liquid stored in the pot, saving the current ingredients for a potion, or spawning a potion from the cauldron, depending on the ingredients.

Speaking of which, ingredients are mostly stored in the brewing table. Some are already there by default, while some others need to be found around the map and placed on the table to get a supply of them. With that said, some ingredients are premium-only, meaning they have to be purchased with Robux through Roblox's exclusive game pass.

How to Create the DNA Potion in Wacky Wizards


To get a DNA potion, Roblox players will first need to brew the Shrink Ray potion. This is crafted by combining a fairy plus a chameleon in the pot. Upon completion, it will automatically be added to the inventory. With the Shrink Ray potion in hand, jump on top of the pot and consume it. As a result of the potion's effects, the player's size will reduce significantly to be small enough to fall into the pot.

Inside, the player will receive the "You" ingredient required for brewing DNA potion. With the "You" in the inventory, the player must check the brewing book to see if their username is written as an ingredient. If it is present, the DNA potion will start brewing. After a brief moment of waiting, the DNA potion can be collected from the pot by simply approaching it.


Furthermore, the DNA potion is one requirement for claiming the Boxing Glove in Wacky Wizards. So players can hand it over to The Collector inside the secret cavern, if they wish, to unlock the bridge that leads up to an epic battle between Roblox's witches and wizards. Once over, the Guardian will hand over the famed fighting item.

Roblox hija disponibbli issa fuq Android, iOS, Mac, PC, u Xbox One.

AKTAR: Roblox: Kodiċijiet promozzjonali għal għalf b'xejn (Settembru 2021)

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