
Steam Deck Battery Life: Dak kollu li trid tkun taf

Huwa diffiċli li wieħed jemmen il- Fwar Il-gverta ġiet ikkonfermata inqas minn ġimgħa ilu. Wara erbat ijiem biss, il-komunità tal-logħob diġà hija mimlija mistoqsijiet dwar l-handheld il-ġdid tiegħu, u tistaqsi eżattament x’inhu kapaċi jagħmel PC portabbli – speċjalment meta nakkwistaw wieħed aħna stess. jista’ jkun ta’ sfida. ValvePierre-Loup Griffais ta' qagħad bilqiegħda miegħu IGN to answer some of the questions fans will be asking, shedding some light on what we can expect.

Of course, being a handheld, the subject of battery life came up. Yet despite the console's power, the battery life shouldn't be too far off that of fellow handheld console, the Switch, kif isostni Griffais se jdum xejn bejn sagħtejn sa tmien sigħat.

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Explaining that the battery will vary from player to player, Griffais says: "It's about two to eight hours, depending on what you're doing. You can play Portal 2 for four hours on this thing." He also explains that running games at 30 FPS could stretch the run time to six hours.

Dan mhux 'il bogħod wisq mill-Iswiċċ. Nintendo claims the original model can last between 2.5 and 6.5 hours, which will apparently be boosted to anywhere from 4.5 to nine hours with the OLED model. Much like the Switch, you will be able to pick up a dock for the Steam Deck, so you can play from your TV without having to worry about the battery life.

Griffais żvela wkoll tidbits żgħar oħra dwar x'għandek tistenna mill-Gverta tal-Fwar. Pereżempju, hemm sensor tad-dawl integrat, li awtomatikament jadatta għall-inħawi tiegħek ħafna bl-istess mod jagħmel smartphone. Se jkun hemm ukoll mikrofoni integrati sabiex tkun tista’ tiċċettja f’multiplayer mingħajr headset, għalkemm kull headset li għandek għandu jkun kompatibbli mal-Gverta tal-Fwar, inklużi dawk li jużaw il-Bluetooth.

The Steam Deck is available to reserve now, with orders expected to ship in early 2022 for the 64GB model. Higher performance models are set to go out later in the year.

Li jmiss: Il-Gverta tal-Fwar Hija Perfetta Għal Gamer PC Scadut

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