
L-aqwa bini Genshin Impact Diluc

L-aqwa bini Genshin Impact Diluc

Hunting for the best Genshin Impact Diluc build? Diluc joined the Genshin Impact cast in September and has established himself as one of the best five-star DPS characters in the game. This claymore-wielding Pyro user is capable of dealing high amounts of damage with both elemental and normal attacks. When paired with the correct build and party members, Diluc’s damage output is simply unmatched by anyone on the roster.

As if Diluc couldn’t become any stronger, the Dragonspine region introduced in the 1.2 update is perfect for Pyro characters. Cryo enemies are weak against Pyro attacks, giving Diluc a massive advantage in this area. Head on over to our l-aħjar bini ta' Genshin Impact guide which features the best builds for all 33 characters.

While you could run Diluc as a support character, he truly shines in the primary DPS role. By building your team around Diluc as the sole DPS character, you should be able to handle almost every enemy in the game with ease – he's top of our Lista tal-livell tal-Impatt Genshin for a reason. Here’s everything you need to know to create the best build for Diluc in Genshin Impact.

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