
L-aħjar offerti ta' din il-ġimgħa dwar l-aċċessorji tal-logħob tal-kompjuter Razer, Corsair u Logitech

If you're on the hunt for a new gaming keyboard, mouse or streaming mic but don't want to pay full whack, you'll be pleased to know there's some great bargains to be had from Razer, Corsair and more.

We've rounded up the latest deals on all the best Razer and Corsair PC gaming accessories, including Digital Foundry's highest rated gaming keyboard as well as budget-friendly mice and more.

There's plenty of savings to snap up on Corsair goodies right now, including over £60 off the solid K60 RGB Pro gaming keyboard with Cherry Viola switches and almost £30 off the mechanical K100 with Cherry MX Speed switches. Budget-friendly wireless gaming mice are also on offer such as the lightweight Katar Pro, which has been reduced down to £29.99 and saving you a handy £15. The wired version is also enjoying a discount of £12.25.

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