
Gwerra Totali: Warhammer 3 – Il-battalji tal-Grand Cathay u l-Assedju Jikixfu Ġejjin f'Settembru

Total War Warhammer 3

Following last week’s release of Total War: Warhammer 2’s The Silence and The Fury DLC, The Creative Assembly will be taking a break from any news on Gwerra Totali: Warhammer 3. . In Fil blog post ġdid, the developer noted that there would be new major trailers, reveals, screenshots or concept art for August. However, it is aiming to showcase the Grand Cathay in September along with details on Siege Battles.

There will also be an update on system changes that will affect Siege Battles as well. Once the developer returns to the spotlight, details on the bonus for early adopters along with “major surprises we very much doubt you’re going to see coming” can be expected. Also, much like its predecessors, long-term support for Gwerra Totali: Warhammer 3 in the form of DLC and “Free-LC” will be provided.

Players can also expect information on system reworks, UI changes, improvements to the tutorial, upgrades to diplomacy and much more. Interestingly, The Creative Assembly has something else in the works alongside Gwerra Totali: Warhammer 3. Stay tuned for more details on that in the meantime.

Gwerra Totali: Warhammer 3 is currently slated to release in 2021 for PC.

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