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Random: It Takes Two May Just Be Playable Solo, If You’re Masahiro Sakurai

It Takes Two.900x 1
It Takes Two
Image: Electronic Arts

It Takes Two was undoubtedly the big story of The Game Awards last week, scooping up Best Family Game (which is an interesting take on that category, for sure) but more importantly the lucrative Game of the Year award. It’s an extremely stylish, fun and cleverly designed game, but also has to be played in co-op or not at all.

It’s a key part of the game’s creative vision, and with a friend’s pass system does its best to encourage players – someone who owns the game can play with a non-owner online if necessary. Yet Masahiro Sakurai drew some amusement on social media over the weekend with his take on playing the game solo.

Sakurai-san is well known among Smash Bros. fans for demonstrating characters in presentations solo, controlling both characters on screen with two separate controllers. He’s stated he does this during development and testing too, while for most of us the idea of controlling two characters at once is headache inducing.

Perhaps Sakurai-san can genuinely play it this way, but we also suspect it’s simply a bit of light-hearted tweeting. But if anyone could beat the game this way, it’d probably be Masahiro Sakurai.

[source, via]

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