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Starfield Reveal is “Going to be a While” – Todd Howard

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Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 director Todd Howard recently reiterated that the former would be a single-player experience (though the company doesn’t rule out doing another multiplayer game in the future). However, the same question keeps coming up – when will they be properly revealed? In the same interview with Develop:Brighton Digital 2020, Howard said it’s “going to be a while” for Starfield at least.

Howard’s reasoning is fairly simple – along with all the challenges of development (including how assets, demos and trailers take time away from the actual game), he doesn’t want to “string players along.” Instead, an approach similar to Fallout 4’s reveal – which had a fairly big demo before launching several months later – is cited as being more preferable. In the meantime though, we’re going to have to wait.

Starfield doesn’t have any specific release platforms either, though the acquisition of ZeniMax and Bethesda by Microsoft does point to some kind of exclusivity down the line. Howard did note that the Creation Engine would be seeing a major overhaul for Starfield with AI, rendering, animation and so on seeing huge leaps forward. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months (or even years).

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