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Version 1.4.0 Of Daemon X Machina Is Live

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Daemon X Machina, the mech-focused game from Marvelous Entertainment, is celebrating its first anniversary in style. Nintendo has announced that a new update, Version 1.4.0, is now available and brings with it some cool new tweaks and additions. Observe:

In celebration of the 1-year anniversary of #DaemonXMachina, the game has been updated to Ver 1.4.0! Check out new content, including items for the appearance of your Arsenal, suits for Outers, and a mission where you can obtain new equipment.

— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) November 5, 2020

Here’s a rundown of everything in the update:

Have you been a fan of a Daemon X Machina since its launch? Tell use what you think of the game and this update in the comments and on social media!

Source: Nintendo of America Twitter Page

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