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WB Games San Diego Currently Hiring For A ‘Free-To-Play AAA’ Game

Wb Games

wb games

There was a brief period where the future of WB Games seemed to be somewhat in jeopardy. The parent company, AT&T, was apparently at one point looking to sell off the division entirely, but that ultimately did not happen. Despite that, a lot of the studios under the massive branch have been mostly quiet for several years. Now, though, we have an idea of what one of them is working on.

New career listings from WB Games San Diego show they are hiring for a title described as “an exciting new AAA, free-to-play, cross-platform game.” It’s said to be developed using Unreal Engine 4 and will release across a variety of platforms. Nothing else about the game itself is said.

It was recently stated that WB was refocusing their lineup on games focusing on live service elements. This seems to fit that bill pretty well. Whether it’ll be based on one of the many IPs WB has control over or something entirely new is something we’ll have to wait and see about.

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