Igorha ngalinye le-Marvel's Avengers emva kokwazisa liya kuba nelalo i-10 yeedola zokulwa nge-29 ka-Agasti 2020 ngo-11:13 am

Marvel’s Avengers post-launch DLC characters will each have their own $10 battle pass.

Kwi lengthy and complex post in which Square Enix details how the game manages gear and cosmetics, the $10 passes – called Hero Challenge Cards – “allow players to earn Resources, Units, Credits, and Cosmetics for completing in-game challenges”.

The premium Hero Challenge Card rewards have already been unlocked for the six starting heroes, something Square Enix says “prevent[s] content gating and guarantee that you and your friends can experience these exciting additions together”. However, to unlock all rewards for any new heroes introduced post-launch, players will have to unlock premium rewards for each one separately with 1,000 in-game credits.

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Marvel’s Avengers post-launch DLC characters will each have their own $10 battle pass.In a lengthy and complex post in which Square Enix details how the game manages gear and cosmetics, the $10 passes – called Hero Challenge Cards – “allow players to earn Resources, Units, Credits, and Cosmetics for completing in-game challenges”.The premium Hero Challenge Card rewards have already been unlocked for the six starting heroes, something Square Enix says “prevent[s] content gating and guarantee that you and your friends can experience these exciting additions together”. However, to unlock all rewards for any new heroes introduced post-launch, players will have to unlock premium rewards for each one separately with 1,000 in-game credits.Read

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