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СтеелСериес-ове најбоље играчке слушалице за ПС5 су сада у понуди

The SteelSeries Arctis 7P – the best wireless headset for PS5 and PS4 according to Digital Foundry – has now been reduced by a little over £25.

The Arctis 7P has dropped from its regular price of £159.99 to £133.32 at Amazon UK. It’s another slightly peculiar discount that follows the price cut on the Xbox Series X/S Storage Expansion Card тек јуче.

Even though it’s still a hefty price tag there are a lot of worthwhile benefits to the Arctis 7P that make it one of the најбоље гаминг слушалице. Digital Foundry gave it top marks for its comfortable design, impressive durability, excellent sound quality and healthy 24-hour battery life.


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