
ראָקקסטאַר אַקווייערז Crackdown 2 דעוועלאָפּער Ruffian Games

Crackdown 2 developer Ruffian Games has been acquired by Rockstar and rebranded as Rockstar Dundee, according to a new listing via Companies House.

Companies House in the UK has two relevant listings relating to the acquisition; the first, dated 1st October, is a a notice that Rockstar’s parent company Take-Two now has significant control of Ruffian, while the second, dated 6th October, is a certificate of name change, confirming the studio has been rebranded as Rockstar Dundee.

ווי אנגעוויזן דורך טהעגאַמער, industry body The Scottish Games Network revealed Ruffian was working on a number of undisclosed “upcoming titles” for Rockstar last year, when it highlighted several job listings focussed on “multiplayer action games”.

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