
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands דעוווס אַנטדעקן מער פון די D&D-ינספּייערד באָרדערלאַנדס ספּין-אַוועק

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands דעוווס אַנטדעקן מער פון די D&D-ינספּייערד באָרדערלאַנדס ספּין-אַוועק

Developer Gearbox finally unveiled the new Borderlands ומדריי, קליינטשיק טינאַ ס וואָנדערלאַנדס, last week at Kickoff Live, but the initial trailer didn't give us a whole lot of info on what the actual game will look like. Now, the devs have started to reveal a few details on the gameplay, plus a few in-game images showing some new environments and enemies.

As you might've guessed, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is a full, standalone follow-up to the Borderlands 2 DLC, Assault on Dragon Keep. The D&D-inspired adventure will let you customise your character (maybe you should spin up a D&D character creator for inspiration), build a multiclass suite of abilities, and cast spells at enemies alongside your usual loadout of lootable guns.

A new set of screenshots show off things like the main villain, the Dragon Lord, who you can see above. In the other shots below, there are a selection of skeleton enemies, some dragons flying around a fiery underground location, a very vain goblin gate, and half-ruined castle environment.

זען די פול פּלאַץאָריגינעל אַרטיקל

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ווייַזן מער

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