
Consells per a principiants per començar a Naraka Bladepoint

Punta de fulla de Naraka is a refreshing take on the battle royale genre, focusing on melee combat rather than the typical gunfights you might be used to. However, this might mean that you struggle in those early sessions since it isn't as simple as aim and shoot.

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Aquesta guia tractarà 5 beginners tips and tricks that you need to know to get a victory in Naraka Bladepoint. If you're already feeling confident with Naraka, read on to see whether you have all of these tips under your belt.

How To Spend Your Dark Tide Coins In Naraka Bladepoint

As you kill enemies and find loot in Naraka Bladepoint, you will get Dark Tide Coins. These are a type of money that you will earn during matches. Dark Tide Coins cannot be saved between matches, so you should spend them all during your game.

You can spend Dark Tide Coins at Rift Dealers a buy items that will help you win. You can buy armor, vitalia, armor powder, and a range of Souljades, which will buff your character.

Find The Best Character For Your Playstyle

N’hi ha molts de diferents herois in Naraka Bladepoint. Each character has unique habilitats that will impact how you perform.

If you want to win more often, you should try using all characters to see which fits your playstyle best. Some, like Kumuri, are able to heal allies.

However, if you prefer dealing damage, Yoto Mite could be the character you should use.

També podeu fer una sortida la nostra guia to see which Naraka Bladepoint character is best for you.

Learn Which Weapons You Prefer

N’hi ha de diferents va variar i cos a cos weapons available in Naraka Bladepoint.

Whilst you might be tempted to go with the first weapons you find, we highly recommend getting familiar with them all so that you can see which suits you best.

For example, if you like dealing a lot of damage, you might prefer the canó i Espasa gran. However, if you prefer to be agile in combat, the Daga i Ballesta could be best for you.

Spend time with all of the weapons until you find a càrrega that suits your playstyle. Then, make it a priority in every match to find your favorite weapons.

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What Is Morus' Blessing In Naraka Bladepoint

As the match progresses in Naraka Bladepoint, special chests will appear on the map. These are called Morus' Blessing, and they provide articles gratuïts if you can track them down.

The items in Morus' Blessing chests are high tier, so it is definitely worth going off the beaten track to find them.

You could even find some of the best weapons in Naraka Bladepoint, such as the Bloodrippers.

Just be cautious of other enemies who are also after the treasures within.

How To Use The Grappling Hook In Naraka Bladepoint

The key to Naraka Bladepoint is to stay agile and keep moving. The Ganxo de grappling is certainly a testament to this idea, as it allows you to quickly zip around the map.

By default, the Grappling Hook is bound to the Q key. Tanmateix, necessitareu Grappling Spool fer-lo servir.

The Grappling Hook is great if you want to zip to high places, but it is also useful in combat. You can use the Grappling Hook on an enemy to pull yourself towards them and get the upper hand in a fight.

següent: Millors i pitjors jocs de Battle Royale, classificats

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