
El clip hilarant de Skyrim mostra un gegant muntant un drac | Joc Rant

While the world presented within The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is incredibly engaging and visually stunning, it does possess a number of glitches and bugs. Often times, these glitches can be avoided for entire playthroughs of Skyrim, or can be used to the player's advantage, should a speed run of the game be attempted. Then again, some glitches tend to occur outside of the player's control, which can result in unexpected encounters.

Skyrim is home to a large variety of creatures and monsters for the player to fight against. One of the most common being Skyrim's dragons, which the player will encounter a fair amount of during any given playthrough. However, dragons will occasionally be doing something outside of the player's control, such as attacking a village or fighting against other monsters.

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A Reddit user by the name of the_woolsey_mammoth encountered a giant riding a dragon just outside of Whiterun, and it is quite jarring to say the least. The glitches present within Skyrim can get especially ridiculous at times, to the point where they potentially can break the game, but to see a giant riding on top of a dragon is certainly unexpected by comparison.

It's amazing to see how the world of Skyrim is brought to life in ways that the player may not initially anticipate. The whole point of jocs de món obert is to make the player feel like they are a part of the world, not the world itself. For how strange it is to see, there's obviously a story behind why that giant was able to get on the back of the dragon. One that the player simply didn't witness.

Malgrat Skyrim being nearly a decade old, the fact that players can still encounter strange sights within the game such as this is very impressive. Not to mention that players are still discovering a number of hidden features that weren't previously discovered when the game first launched. For instance, one player made a gruesome discovery in Skyrim after playing it for eight years, while others have stumbled on hidden buffs that they had missed out on previously.

It will be interesting to see what direction Bethesda takes Els documents antics avançant. Mentre The Elder Scrolls 6 was confirmed to be in development, there has been next to nothing by way of official news. It's possible that Bethesda is waiting until it has something substantial to show its fans, but then again, it's also been several years since the game was first announced. With any luck, there will be some sort of update on the development of The Elder Scrolls 6 sometime soon. For now, though, players have odd glitches like giants riding dragons to entertain themselves with.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim ja està disponible a PC, PS3, PS4, Switch, Xbox 360 i Xbox One.

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