
10 Best Anime Cliches That Will Never Die

Anime cliches are as abundant as any other media cliche, but that doesn't mean they don't bring their own set of traditions and tropes to the table. In recent years, more and more anime series have tried to buck the cliches set by older predecessors, yet there still seem to be some cliches that slip through the cracks and make an appearance anyway.

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Perhaps anime writers just like these cliches too much to totally ditch them, or perhaps they are an ode to their predecessor's work, but whatever the reason there are just some cliches that will not die.

The Multi-Episode Battle

Every fan of lengthy action anime will be familiar with this trope. Since most fighting anime episodes are usually only about twenty-three minutes long, lengthy fight sequences that are hyped up by previous story arcs often run well past the episode's run time and will take up to four, five, or even more episodes.

These gnarly battles may lead to the death of some beloved characters, but they are still essential to a given show's identity.

The Beach Episode

What would anime be without the beach episodes? It's almost a tradition at this point. The beach episode is essentially a filler episode in which the characters all let their hair down, get into their swimsuits, and enjoy some fun in the sun.

Often comical in nature, beach episodes are a means of taking a break from the show's central plot and letting the writers goof around with the characters.

Friend Or Foe?

Anime protagonists almost always have some kind of rival or foil to their heroic goodness, especially in action and adventure anime series.

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But when a larger, more powerful foe arises, the protagonist and their rival have to put aside their differences and join forces to fight a common enemy. Whether they remain friends or foes after the fight differs from show to show.

That One Character Who Loves To Eat

Another running gag that always seems to find a way into anime is the one character who can't seem to ever get enough food in their belly. This has become a character trope in and of itself.

It might not always be the character fans initially expect, but as soon as there is an all-you-can-eat buffet, the foodie of the group will reveal themselves and chow down until they have an oversized stomach.

Someone Has A Dark Secret

Not everyone in the gang is who they say they are, this is plot development 101. Yet, almost every anime featuring a large ensemble of characters banding together seems to fall back on this cliche.

At least one character is holding back a secret from their past, covertly working on an ulterior motive, or searching for answers to a former life they can no longer remember.

Cute Sidekicks

Cute little critters will always be an overused trope in anime, but who can honestly say they don't like adorable monsters with wisecracking one-liners? Whether they are discovered in an episode while in dire need of help or simply have always been trusted companions with the chief protagonist, fuzzy friends are an asset to the team.

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These characters might eventually find themselves in situations where they find a society of their own kind, and contemplates leaving their human friends for life among their own people. While heartbreaking, these episodes usually end with a return to the status quo.

Shouting Out Attacks

Anime fans are well familiar with their favorite characters shouting out their attacks as they are performing them on an enemy.

While it might be a dead give-away to the foe as to what the oncoming attack is about to be, the outrageous storm of fighting moves unleashed is usually too powerful for the target to do anything to stop it. Unless of course, the foe shouts out a defensive blocking move just in the nick of time.

School Is Even Weirder Than It Should Be

High school is a classic setting for anime, harkening all the way back to its early origins. Rarely is school a normal experience for a show's characters.

This is exemplified by crazy teachers, twisted rules that allow characters to fight on a whim, and any number of odd plots ranging from ghosts to aliens. School is much more exciting in anime shows, albeit much more dangerous.


Anime's obsession with maids knows no bounds. The occupation requires characters to dress up like a French maid in full regalia and clean some huge mansion or estate.

While this trope might just be another way to inject moe into an anime series, it has also led to some pretty comical situations. If used properly it can actually be a fun cliche, even if it is ridiculously absurd.

Giant Robots

Anime and giant robots go together like chocolate and peanut butter. It's almost like they were made for each other.

These mechs have fought everywhere imaginable in anime, from desolate cities to outer space battlefields. Entire franchises are dedicated to these lovable scrap metal goliaths, even seeping over into other media including toys and video games.

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