15 Best Stealth Games of this Generation

The eighth console generation hasn’t been the kindest to the stealth genre. Franchises like Splinter Cell have completely skipped the generation, while others like Metal Gear Solid seemingly had their last hurrah, while all around, there weren’t nearly as many stealth games over the last 6-7 years as there once used to be. But that doesn’t mean there was nothing to enjoy for fans of the genre- though the quantity has definitely been lacking, when it comes to quality, there’s been no issues whatsoever. Some of the best games this entire generation, in fact, have been stealth titles. And as this generation winds down and we enter into the PS5 and Xbox Series X era, in this feature, we’re going to take a look at the best stealth games of the generation, starting with #15 and counting right down to our favourite stealth title of the generation.



Fans of Tenchu games, you don’t want to miss this one. Aragami is not flawless, and with a little more polish, it could have been a significantly better game, but when it works, it works very well. It’s a strictly stealth-oriented game through and through, which is something that old school stealth fans will appreciate greatly, and it looks beautiful to boot. Developers Lince Works are currently working on a sequel, and if they can take the first game’s solid foundation and introduce some smart improvements, they might have a real gem on their hands.

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