Astartes Creator, Other Fan Animators Hired By Games Workshop For Warhammer 40k Animated Series

Warmhammer 40 000 animated series fan film

Games Workshop have announced upcoming animated series set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, with talent that includes several well-known fan film creators.

The biggest of these is the announcement that Syama Pedersen, the creator of the Astartes fan film series on YouTube, has been officially brought on board to make a follow-up. The Astartes videos have since been removed from YouTube and reuploaded as a single video on the Warhammer Community site. You can find a statement from Syama below.

Syama is not the only fan creator that has been brought on board to make an official animated series set in the 40k universe. Lost Legion Studios, PaxelArt, and Codex Film will also be joining the Warhammer Animation Team to work on The Exodite, Primaris: The Last Templar, and Iron Within, respectively.

You can find statements from each team below.

“We at Lost Legion Studios are excited to finally reveal that we’ve been working alongside the Warhammer Animations Team to produce The Exodite! Originally, we were a fan project making content for the community, and to be able to make something official is a dream come true, and we can’t wait to share it with you.”

– Lost Legion Studios

“We are proud to say that we are working with Games Workshop on a short cinematic series about the Black Templars Space Marines. It is an honour for us to work in a universe we love so much, together with its creators. We want to say a huge thank you for this opportunity, Games Workshop.”


“As long-time Warhammer fans, we’re very excited to combine our passion for the Warhammer hobby with our experience in CGI. It was a surreal feeling when Games Workshop approached us. It brings a lot of new possibilities, and we can’t wait to deliver this story of Iron Warriors and Drukhari to the community!”

– Codex Film

Finally, Games Workshop released a quick teaser trailer for The Exodite, a series that looks to follow the Tau. More details about The Exodite will be released soon. You can find the teaser below.

These three new series join the previously announced Hammer and Bolter, Angels of Death, and Interrogator. Games Workshop have also confirmed two more shows have been scripted, with several more in pre-production.

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