Silent Hill Creator’s New Studio Is Working On A Multiplatform Horror Title

Silent Hill

Earlier this year it was announced that Keiichiro Toyama, one of the original Creators of the famed Silent Hill series, had left his longtime position at Sony Japan with several other members to form Bokeh Games. It was a surprise move, but one that was intriguing. Now we have an idea of what they are going to be working on, but it will be awhile before we see it.

As reported by IGN, it’s now been stated that the company will be working on a new horror game. The lead platform it will be developed for is said to be PC, but the intention is to release it on as many platforms as possible. When the studio was announced, there was some artwork that looked to be horror-themed, so this was pretty expected.

However, it is also said that the game in only in the early prototyping stage and that it will be a while before we see anything from the title, meaning there are no real details to speak of and probably won’t be for another 2 years or so. They say right now the aim for release is 2023, so things like platforms could change depending on what kind of publishing deals come.

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